The magnet school, Miami-Dade Online Academy, is the Miami-Dade County Public Full-Time Virtual School. We offer a comprehensive Kindergarten through the 12th-grade academic program that promotes learning, independent thinking, and creativity.
Parents and students schedule school hours to their convenience from the comfort of their own home. Parents are responsible for reporting their student’s attendance daily. The student’s grade level determines the level of the parent’s daily academic involvement. Parents with children in elementary will be more involved than those with children in Middle/High grade levels. In a school day, elementary students will work under the guidance of their parent/guardian and follow a schedule to complete the coursework. Elementary students will be guided by their parents as they complete assignments, apply knowledge to projects, and attend live sessions with classroom teachers via the internet. Students in middle/high will work on their assignments and attend their live lessons on their own. All students and parents regardless of the student’s grade level will communicate freely with teachers and school administrators using email or phone. Our teachers and administrators are willing and more than capable of helping students reach their educational goals.
Miami-Dade Online Academy combines rigors work, family support, and hard-working staff to ensure the student’s success. The student’s success begins with the culture of interdependence that we promote here at Miami-Dade Online Academy. We believe that the bond between Parent and Child strengthens that child’s ability to learn, we believe that the relationship between teacher and student heightens the child’s understanding, we believe that the relationship between parent and teacher ensures progression, and we believe that the relationship between parent, teacher, and administration ensures success. Educational success is a full team effort, which is why parents and students are welcomed and encouraged to reach out to their teacher’s and their school’s administration. As a team, we will work towards your child’s graduation.